Thursday, December 9, 2010

Some Changes

I'm developing a more "boutique-y" line of clothing. Once the busy holidays are over, I will begin to make all the dresses and clothing I see in my head. In the meantime, it's very hard to wait :) Coming up? More ruffles, more bows, more boys' clothing.

Also? Resisting the urge to buy more fabric. That darn stuff is SO hard to resist. But I bought by the bolt last time. And I bought some things that were on a big sale. So, I need to make tons of stuff first, and THEN I can give into my urge to get the latest and greatest.

So, in the meantime....I am drawing out my designs, perfecting my techniques and I will pretend I don't have carts full of fabric on 3 different sites. Just in case. You know. In case of flood. Or fire. Or late night purchasing sessions when I feel I am entitled to my fabric addiction, after long days of kids and sewing.

Stay tuned ;)

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